My Mission
My aim is to create an accessible art product for your interior space that's affordable, with no lack in quality of reproductions or visual aesthetic.

Jozelle McLea

As an artist, my aim is to bring beauty into your home and for my work to convey conversation. My art is vibrant, full of energy and has movement, created by the many layers of acrylic paint. I'm highly influenced by Mother Nature and all the beauty she gifts us with.
My style is layered, colourful and created with lots of rhythm. Original pieces are created with mainly acrylic paint on canvas and occasionally I use pencil and oil pastel mediums in my work. Paint is layered in colour combinations that are unexpected. Lots of textures are applied to where movement is seen in my pieces.
MY PROCESS: I create my art pieces by memory and feeling on creating a perfect balanced art piece, as my heart feels is right, I don't know the end result and paint with what I have to use at that moment. I create by being present in the moment. I listen to music as it fuels and inspires me and gives energy to the brush strokes. My work is usually created in the late hours of the night, when the world is quiet and energy levels are slowing down.
Want to see behind the scenes?
Watch my process and get a glims into my daily life as an artist. You can view my VLOGS of me in my creative space, see how I paint and what I get up to.